Machine Wash & Hand Wash: The Guide to Properly Washing Your Clothes
Why do you have the greatest interest in following the advice given to you by the composition and care labels which are sewn inside the clothes you buy? Because a poorly timed wash risks deforming and shrinking your clothes forever .
Read the maintenance symbols carefully, here is their meaning:
- hand wash, hand wash at specified temperature
- no machine wash, machine wash at indicated temperature,
- no bleaching, bleaching allowed,
- no tumble drying, tumble drying allowed,
- no ironing, low, medium and high temperature ironing,
- no dry cleaning, dry cleaning allowed,
Why should you machine wash as many clothes as possible?
Because the machine washes much better than the hand.
What textile materials can be machine washed?
Cotton, linen, polyester, polyamide, acrylic, elastane. But the latter two should not be put in the dryer.
What textile materials should not be machine washed?
Do not machine wash materials that are too delicate, such as silk, because the mechanical movement of the machine risks deforming it or even tearing it. So wash by hand.
Do not machine wash wool either, because it too risks being deformed and above all, in addition, because it cannot withstand heat at all , under the effect of heat it definitely shrinks. To wash by hand.
At what temperature should you machine wash?
Practically, there are only two washing temperatures: 30° and 60°.
Laundry which is in direct contact with the body and which is most often made of cotton must be washed at 60° : underpants, undershirts, pajamas, handkerchiefs, socks. You can wash them with towels and sheets.
Why 60°?
Because this temperature kills bacteria. Then, put this underwear in the dryer. This is the only laundry that can be machine dried .
Wash the rest of your laundry at 30°, i.e. cotton t-shirts and sweatshirts, shirts , including linen or flannel.
Why wash at 30°? Because :
- it's enough to wash well,
- it preserves and keeps the fibers of the fabric intact,
- it is more economical in electricity,
- and it’s ecological (less CO2).
What products should I put in the washing machine?
A cap of suitable detergent and half a glass of white vinegar instead of softener: the laundry will be more supple and odorless .
How to “whiten” your shirt?
By being worn and washed, a white shirt tends to turn gray. There are several methods to make it a little whiter again. The most effective is soaking in a water + bleach bath. But bleach attacks and wears out the fibers of the fabric. There is also soaking in lemon juice (but you need a lot of lemons) or in baking powder, etc.
An easy way to revive the white and even the colors of your laundry is soda crystals. Put 125nl in the detergent drawer.
Detach before washing
Washing is not removing stains. It is quite easy to remove clothing that has just been stained. Most of the time, lots of water is enough. On the other hand, if the stain is dry, removing it will be more complicated. You must moisten it then put Marseille soap or detergent on it and rub gently. Then put the garment in the machine or washing basin. You can also use a detacher. In any case, always detach before washing, whether machine washing or hand washing. .
What clothes should be washed by hand?
Clothing in delicate fabrics and knits: wool, velvet, silk, cashmere. In any case, these clothes, such as Merino wool sweaters, should not be washed all the time, once or twice a year is enough.
Why do you have to wash these clothes by hand?
Because the mechanical action of the machine risks damaging them , deforming, shrinking and causing pilling.
How to wash by hand?
Take a large basin (minimum 7 liters, the volume of the sink can rarely be enough, especially for rinsing where a lot of water is needed).
Separate the white and color and detach.
Use the correct detergent for wool or delicate fabrics. Do not overdose. Fill the basin with water before putting in the laundry. Dissolve the detergent well before submerging the clothes in the water.
Respect the recommended temperature.
If you wash wool, do it in cold water. Don't let clothes soak for too long, this will damage the fibers. To wash, do not rub the laundry, massage it. And if you rub, do it gently. Rinse with plenty of cold water twice. Roll the laundry on itself. Empty the basin. Use your hands to compress the laundry to squeeze out the water. Above all, do not wring it out by twisting it. If it is a light fabric, dry it by hanging it on a line. If it is wool or velvet, dry flat. Spread it on a terry towel, giving it its shape.